Mysore:A man and his wife were brutally hacked to death by his younger brother in Karnataka's Mysore village following a dispute over a piece of land. The gruesome murder took place at Nuggenahalli Koppalu village under T Narseepur taluk in Karnataka's Mysore district on Tuesday. After killing the accused with a spade, the assailant informed the police about his crime. Later, he walked up to the police station and surrendered.
The dispute between the siblings over farmland was going on for a long time. The elder brother Shivalingu (62) was not ready to share the 15 guntha of land with his younger brother Hanumantu (60). On several occasions, quarrels broke out between them and many times, the villagers intervened to resolve the matter. Several compromise meetings were held and villagers also tried to settle the dispute. But the outcome remained inconclusive.