Bengaluru: Police arrested a man who made a hoax terror attack call to the Bangalore police control room on Saturday sending the authorities in a tizzy. According to Bangluru police he claimed to have information about terror attacks in cities of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra, Telangana, Puducherry, Goa and Maharashtra which was apparently fake and concocted.
The arrested man identified as Sundara Murthy, 65), is a retired army personnel.
Karnataka DG-IGP Neelmani N Raju on Friday wrote to his counterparts in six states and Union Territory of Puducherry after getting the possible terror attacks warning call from Murthy.
According to the letter by Raju, he received an anonymous phone call, in which the caller, a man, claimed to have information about terror attacks in cities of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra, Telangana, Puducherry, Goa and Maharashtra.