Channapatna (K'taka):JD(S) leader HD Kumaraswamy on Friday said that like other South Indian states, Karnataka too will reject the national parties during the 2023 assembly polls and choose a regional party, as people don't want the administration here to be run by high commands sitting in Delhi. The former Chief Minister has written to Governor Vajubhai Vala and Assembly Speaker Vishweshwar Hegde Kageri, urging them to convene a special assembly session to discuss the COVID situation, allegations of corruption in the government, interference of others in administration and setbacks on issues relating to Kannada and Karnataka.
"Across the country, people are enamoured of regional parties. Especially in South India, the Congress and BJP have been rejected in all states, except Karnataka," Kumaraswamy told reporters here. He said during the 2023 assembly election, Karnataka too will reject both the national parties. "Aimed at achieving this, we (JDS) want to win the trust of the people and create an atmosphere to ensure that the administration is not run by the high command (of national parties), see that Karnataka is not administered from
Delhi, but is governed by people of the state," he added.
Other than Karnataka, all the other South Indian states are not ruled by major national parties like the BJP or Congress. In Kerala, there is a Left front government, while the DMK is in power in Tamil Nadu. Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are ruled by the YSR
Congress and Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) respectively. The JD(S), led by former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda, is the only major regional political party in Karnataka, which is currently ruled by the BJP.
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Meanwhile, seeking a special assembly session, Kumaraswamy also questioned the "double standards" of the ruling BJP in the state, pointing out that an assembly session has been called in neighbouring Maharashtra for two days, but the saffron party leaders in opposition there are demanding that it be extended, while they have not even convened it in Karnataka.