Bengaluru : The Karnataka Congress on Tuesday questioned the state's ruling BJP government on the deletions of 27 lakh names from the voters' list. State Congress President DK Shivakumar said that for any addition and deletion, Form 7 is compulsory. "Without these forms, how were deletions made? Who signed and gave consent to these deletions?" Shivakumar questioned.
"Time was sought to meet the officers of the Election Commission today (Tuesday). The appointment is given for Wednesday. We will file a complaint after meeting the officers," he added.There are multiple legal issues regarding the voters list scam. There is no provision for anyone to get the details of voters. The state has 8,250 election booths. One person has to be deputed for every booth for investigation."Along with staffers of Chilume institution, more than 7,000 persons were hired on contract basis. The case must be lodged against all election officers of 28 assembly constituencies," he said.