Bengaluru: The Karnataka government on Monday is conducting the 'Pinda Pradana' ceremony for the unclaimed bodies of 1,200 Covid-19 victims at the Gosai Ghat on the banks of the river Cauvery near Sriranganapattana in Mandya district.
'Pindas' are balls of cooked rice mixed with ghee and black sesame seeds offered to ancestors during the Hindu funeral rites and ancestor worship. According to traditions in the Garuda Puran (Hindu religious scripture) offering a 'Pinda' to a recently departed soul helps to unite the soul with its ancestors. Revenue minister R. Ashok will take part in the ceremony along with Deputy Commissioner of Mandya district S. Ashwathi, Under Secretary to Government Manjunath Prasad and Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs Narayana Gowda.
Earlier, Minister Ashok took part in the 'Asthivisarjan' (the ceremony of immersing ashes of dead bodies into the river) on June 2 for these 1,200 unclaimed bodies from Bengaluru and surrounding areas. The ceremony was held at the Cauveri River near Sri Kashi Vishwanatheshwara temple in Belakawadi in the Mandya district. The place is known as Dakshina Kashi.