Bengaluru: Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister Laxman Savadi on Wednesday said Mumbai should be made part of the state and urged the Centre to declare it a Union Territory until then, as he hit back at Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray for raking up the border issue with a similar demand.
"We condemn the Maharashtra CM's statement. The Mahajan report is final. We are confident that things will be in our favour in the Supreme Court too.
The demand of the people of our region is that we have been part of Mumbai-Karnataka (region), so we too have our right on Mumbai," Savadi told reporters.
From now on, he said the people would start demanding that Mumbai should be made part of Karnataka as they too had a share in it.
"Until it (Mumbai) is made part of Karnataka, I urge the central government to make it an union territory," the DCM said in response to a question on repeated raking up of the border issue.
"With us now demanding Mumbai, things may get fine," he said.
Earlier in the day, Thackeray had said that areas dominated by Marathi speaking people on the state's border with Karnataka should be declared as a Union Territory till the Supreme Court gives its final verdict on the issue.
Ramesh Jarkiholi, Minister in-charge of Belagavi district, which borders Maharashtra, said Thackeray had raked up the border issue to divert public attention from the 'failures' of his government.