Mandya (Karnataka) : A fresh controversy hit Karnataka Congress ahead of this year's May 10 Assembly elections. KPCC Chief D K Shivakumar was purportedly seen throwing Rs 500 currency notes on the artists near Bevinahalli in Mandya district during their party's State-wide ‘Praja Dhwani Yatra’ in Srirangapatna on Tuesday.
The opposition Congress cadres are upbeat and taking an active part in the ongoing Yatra held today in Srirangapatna assembly constituency in a grand manner. The Yatra started from Katungere village when KPCC President Shivakumar was welcomed by his followers with a huge grape garland. Praja Dhwani Yatra was conducted in the constituency under the leadership of former MLA Bandissidde Gowda.
This time, a video has emerged showing D K Shivakumar throwing money at artists. It is alleged that Rs 500 currency notes were thrown from the place where they were standing on top of the campaign bus at the folk artists who participated in the roadshow. This video has gone viral.