Bengaluru: According to latest updates, the outstation students and their parents who will be travelling to Karnataka to appear for the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) will be exempted from the Home-Quarantine norms and will be allowed to stay in the state for 96 hours. According to the data, there are roughly 1, 881 students who will be appearing for the KCET 2020 examinations from the other states and 30 students from other countries.
The organising board has also set up separate exam centres for the students who have been tested positive of COVID-19 and will be appearing for the examination.
Karnataka will be conducting the Common Entrance Test 2020 on July 30th and 31st, 2020.
Approximately 1,94,356 students are scheduled to appear for the examinations across the 497 examination centres in 120 cities across the state.
The exam centres will also be following all the necessary COVID-19 prevention measures as suggested by the state and central government.
Also read:Results for HPSOS class 12 exams declared, pass percentage at 28.95