Bengaluru:Bengaluru police have arrested a man from Bihar in connection with a woman's murder case in the southern state, police said on Saturday. Police said that the accused along with his accomplices murdered the woman and then cut off the victim's arms and legs and threw her body. The accused has been identified as Indal Kumar. Kumar was taken into custody on June 4 by Police Sub Inspector (PSI) Siddan Gowda in Bihar and brought to Karnataka on June 7 for questioning.
The deceased has been identified as Geethamma (53), who was living alone in Janata Colony in Karnataka's Bannerghatta. Speaking at a press conference, Bengaluru Rural SP Mallikarjun Baladandi said, "The victim's body was found near the compound of Janata Colony on June 1 without hands, legs, and head. The police then started an investigation and found that the deceased woman had given a home for rent to seven youths. The police found that the tenants left for Bihar."
''Based on this, PSI Siddanagowda of Bannerghatta Police Station and his team visited Bihar's Aurangabad and arrested one of the accused Indal Kumar. During the interrogation, Kumar said that a total of seven accused were living in the rented house and had committed the crime," the SP said.