Dharwad: The Yogathon-2023 program organised by the Youth Services and Sports, Government of Karnataka, at different locations simultaneously has entered the Guinness Book of Records, claimed Sports Minister K C Narayana Gowda. Over 4,05,255 people performed yoga at the same time in 33 different places of the state, thereby erasing all previous records and creating a new Guinness record, he said in a press release here.
For the past eight months, the State Youth Services and Sports Department has worked hard to organize a special performance of Yogasanas. The Yogathon was organised as part of the 26th National Youth Festival in Dharwad and this program was organized across the state. About 14 lakh yogis and yoga enthusiasts of the state had registered their names to participate in the massive event.
Over 5,904 enthusiasts took part in the event held at the Dharwad Agricultural University grounds, 3,405 at the Karnataka University grounds, 4,769 at RN Shetty District stadium and 3,769 at Vidyagiri JSS College grounds and 6,076 at Hubli Railway Cricket grounds. A total of 23,923 people from 5 places in Dharwad district performed yoga simultaneously.