Belgaum (Karnataka): Inchal village in Savadatti taluk of Karnataka's Belgaum district is a teachers' village as there is an educator in almost every house here. Teaching is considered the noblest profession as the choice of every parent in this village is to make their child a teacher. Residents of this village are working as teachers in different parts of Karnataka.
There are more than 500 people from Inchal who have opted for teaching and are working across the state. It was because of the efforts of Dr Shivananda Bharati Swamiji of Siddhasansthan Math here that people gained interest in teaching and took it as their profession. Shantananda High School, a school funded by the Math, has been established in Bengaluru.
Dr Sivananda Bharati Swamiji, started a Teacher Certificate Higher (TCH) College in Sri Math in 1986 after he was influenced by the village camp conducted by KLE Institute, Belgaum in 1983-84 in Inchal. According to the villagers, students were encouraged to enroll in TCH because of the free admission it offered.
Since 1988, an average of more than 20 teachers have been selected from every batch. Out of the total seven thousand teachers trained here, 99 per cent of the teachers are appointed in different schools across the state. At least seven teachers from the Karigara family were recruited in the 1997 batch. In the same year, 50 people from Inchal village were appointed as teachers, which is a record.