Bengaluru: Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister and Higher Education Minister Ashwath Narayan CN on Tuesday announced that the academic year for various degree courses will commence from September 1 with online classes. However, offline classes will only start in October.
Speaking to reporters after the inauguration of various development works in Bengaluru on Tuesday, he said that the department is awaiting guidelines from the central government on conducting offline classes as well as the few degree exams to be conducted in September.
"We have decided to use the online medium to get the ball rolling on all academic activities from next month as we will need to conduct a few degree exams in September. We are also awaiting detailed guidelines from the Centre regarding the resumption of offline classes," Narayan said in a tweet today.
"In accordance with the current UGC guidelines, we have already made comprehensive preparations for starting classes. The state government will follow any additional directions from the central government as they come," he added.
Along with the commencement of the academic year, final year examinations will also be scheduled for all the undergraduate, diploma and engineering students. Additionally, exams for those students who hold backlogs will also be conducted.
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"We work with the sole intent of ensuring a bright future for our students. Once the academic year begins, final year exams will be scheduled for all undergraduate, diploma and engineering students. Backlog exams will also be conducted accordingly," Narayan said.
'Do not oppose NEET'