Bengaluru: The Karnataka government has directed school authorities to grant leave to students and staff suffering from cold or fever in the light of renewed coronavirus (COVID -19) fears.
"If any student, teacher or staff is suffering from respiratory infections, they should be granted leave. They should be allowed to come back to school only after confirming from the doctor that they are cured. In case of a student or staff staying at hostels developing any symptoms, they should be kept in a separate room," said the government circular.
Also read:Get a bite of pastry inspired by COVID-19
Meanwhile, the state health department is on high alert after a techie working in the city tested positive for coronavirus in Hyderabad.
"A Telangana techie tested positive for coronavirus in Hyderabad," said Karnataka Health Minister Sriramulu on Tuesday at an emergency meeting at the Vidhan Souda, referring to the employee who works in the city.
In January, the software engineer interacted with people from Hong Kong in Dubai and returned to Bengaluru around February 20.
Suspected of contracting the virus in Dubai, the health officials are monitoring his colleagues and people in touch with him in the city.
"Blood samples of 25 people working with the techie have been collected," said Sudhakar, a Karnataka health official.
Later, the techie travelled to Hyderabad on a bus from Bengaluru, prompting authorities to trace and collect the blood samples of 23 fellow passengers in the bus.