Belagavi/Hasan (Karnataka): A 68-year-old woman died while casting her vote at a polling station in Karnataka on Wednesday. The tragedy struck when the elderly woman Paravva Ishwara Sidnala aka Panadi turned up to cast her vote at the polling booth. The incident happened when the polling process was underway for the Karnataka assembly elections in the Belagavi district. The elderly woman had come to exercise her franchise at the polling booth situated in Yarazarvi under Yaragatti. The woman while casting her vote collapsed inside the polling booth and died.
Police said the woman Paravva had come to cast her vote as the polling process was underway for the assembly elections. "The woman before casting her vote, collapsed inside the polling booth. The woman was hailing from Yarazarvi village falling under the Savadatti Yallamma assembly constituency, the police added.