Bengaluru (Karnataka): Various political leaders in Karnataka have come in support of Chief Minister Yediyurappa after the speculations of replacement of the leader. Shamanoor Sivasankarappa, who arrived at the CM residence in the evening, met the chief minister and discussed the current state of political affairs in the state. The CM has been given a letter regarding certain activities of the Mahasabha. They have been approved by the CM and signed for review. In addition, political negotiations were also held.
Another former Congress minister MB Patil also warned the BJP against removing Yediyurappa. BJP may face the wrath of Lingayats if they ill-treat tall leader BS Yediyurappa. BJP should value the contribution of Yediyurappa and treat him with dignity. This is my personal opinion, understanding that the proposed changes may be internal matters of the BJP,” Patil said in a tweet.
Rambhapuri Jagadguru said Yediyurappa enjoyed the support of all communities. “Floods and now the Covid-19 pandemic, Yediyurappa has not lost heart and is working hard. If something goes awry, it will have a big impact on the BJP,” he said. According to some political observers, the mobilisation of the community's support could be Yediyurappa's last-ditch effort to retain his chair.