Bengaluru:Karnataka police will summon Shakti Kapoor's son Siddhanth Kapoor for further inquiry in a drugs case, police sources said on Wednesday. Siddhanth Kapoor, who is also Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor's brother, will be asked to appear before police for further inquiry in a week.
The notice will be sent to Siddhanth Kapoor on WhatsApp as well as through a register post, police sources said on Wednesday. Siddhanth will be interrogated on his earlier statement in which he had mentioned that his drink was drugged and he did not know anything about it.
Also read:Shraddha Kapoor's brother Siddhanth held for consumption of drugs
The Karnataka police had earlier arrested Siddhanth Kapoor for consumption of drugs in Bengaluru in the month of June. Siddhanth was arrested while partying at a five-star hotel within the limits of Halasuru police station. The police, after getting a lead, conducted a surprise raid and took 35 persons into custody.
A 25-member police team, after getting a lead, conducted raids at the hotel and took Siddhanth Kapoor along with 35 other persons into custody. After medical tests it was confirmed that Siddhanth Kapoor had consumed drugs in the party. However, the police released him on bail soon after his arrest.