Bengaluru (Karnataka) : Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara said on Tuesday that action has been taken and seven people have been arrested so far in connection with the incident in Karnataka's Belagavi district where a woman was stripped naked, paraded and assaulted after her son eloped with a girl of the same village.
Speaking about the incident, Parameshwara said, "It is unfortunate that it happened. One boy, about 24 years old, fell in love with another girl from the same village and same community. They had run away together and in retaliation, the girl's parents destroyed the boy's house and forcefully took away the mother of the boy, removed her clothes and tied her up to an electric pole."
"Immediately, our police went and rescued (the woman). She was brought to the hospital. We have registered a case and we have already arrested about seven people. Further investigation is going on. We are also trying to find where this boy and the girl have run away," said Parameshwara. A 42-year-old woman was stripped naked, paraded and assaulted after being tied to an electric pole yesterday in Belagavi district after her son eloped with a girl.