Bengaluru (Karnataka): The government has issued an order on setting off school fees. Education minister S. Suresh Kumar said that only 70% of tuition fees for last year should be collected in schools.
Announcing the government's decision on school tuition, he said that the decision was taken after a number of rounds of meeting this decision was taken. Private schools that teach any type of curriculum in the state will have to collect only 70% of the tuition fee of 2019-20 from the parents.
Schools should not receive any development fees other than tuition fees. No subscribers from different trusts should be collected. Adjustments should be made if higher fees have already been paid for the academic year 2020-21. If any educational institution wishes to charge less than the fee stated above, it is granted full freedom.
Parents should also be allowed to pay the fee in two instalments. If parents or schools have any disputes about fee concessions, an authority committee will be formed to deal with such complaints, he said.
Read: Karnataka schools to start modified Vidyagama: Minister