Mangalore: Lt. Commander Disha Amrit of Mangalore, who made headlines by leading the Navy contingent in India's Republic Day Parade, will participate in the Bastille Day Parade in France capital Paris, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be the Guest of Honour, sources said. Bastille Day Parade will mark France's National Day and will be celebrated by the French government on July 14 Friday.
Besides PM Modi as the Guest of Honour, three military contingents from Indian Army, Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force will participate in the event. A team of four naval officers and 64 sailors has already reached Paris to participate in the Bastille Parade to be held on July 14. Disha Amrit hailing from Tilak Nagar, Mangalore in Karnataka is one of these four officers.
Also read:PM Modi’s visit to France to augment bilateral, strategic, and trade partnerships