Belagavi (Karnataka): Karnataka Minister Umesh Katti, who was seen without wearing a mask at a public event, refused to do so claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said "it is individual's responsibility." The minister not only flouted the mask rule, but also defended his act by quoting from Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech.
"The Prime Minister has said that no restriction will be imposed and that it (wearing a face mask) is an individual's responsibility. Whoever wishes to wear a mask can do so. I am not interested in wearing it so I haven't. It is my individual decision," the Minister told media persons after attending a function organised by the Forest Department. Katti, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, is the current Minister for Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs and Forest in the state.
His statement comes at a time when COVID-19 cases in Karnataka and across the country witnessed a surge. Karnataka on Tuesday reported as many as 41,457 new COVID-19 cases. The positivity rate stands at 22.30 per cent.