Dakshina Kannada (Karnataka): A humanitarian incident took place in Kadaba in Dakshina Kannada district on Saturday morning when a lineman rescued a pigeon that was stuck in an electric line. Mangaluru Electricity Supply Company Limited (MESCOM) Powerman PJ Gurumurthy rescued the trapped pigeon.
Also read:Bengaluru: Two kids touched a live wire trying to catch pigeon, hospitalised
On Saturday morning in Kadaba city, a pigeon was hanging on the electric wire for about one and a half hours. A plastic string was attached to the bird's leg and it was sitting on an electric wire. At this time, the plastic rope stuck in the leg and got wrapped around the electric wire and the pigeon was in trouble.
As soon as the information about this came from the public, Powerman Gurumurthy reached the spot and disconnected the electric supply. Then he climbed the electric pole and rescued the pigeon.