Tumakuru (Karnataka): A Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) bus driver rescued two sisters, who were drowning in a lake in Sira taluk of Karnataka's Tumakuru district on Sunday. The driver has been appreciated for his exemplary work in saving two lives. Manjunath M was driving a bus on the Sira-Nagappanahalli Gate route when he saw a woman running towards his bus and stopped the vehicle at Handigunte Gate. She sought help to rescue her daughters, who were drowning in Handikunte Agrahara lake. She told him that her two daughters accidentally slipped into the lake and were drowning.
Manjunath, who knew swimming pulled over the bus and ran to the lake to rescue the two girls. The girls had already taken in a lot of water and were unconscious. They were admitted to Baragur Primary Health Centre, about six kilometres from the lake, and are currently out of danger. The woman and her daughters were washing clothes in the lake when the incident took place.