Hubli (Karnataka):A high alert has been issued in the coastal areas of Karnataka following an intelligence input received about terrorist activities in coastal Kerala, said Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Wednesday. Interacting with media at the Hubli Airport before his departure for his assembly constituency Shiggaon, the Chief Minister said the state administration is keeping a strict watch for any suspicious activity in the coastal and adjoining forest areas.
"I can not discuss some issues openly, but I want to tell you that Karnataka police along with NIA is keeping a strict vigil on any anti-national activity in coastal and adjoining forest areas. NIA had also picked up a person who was involved in such activities. We have also issued a high alert has in coastal areas," said the Chief Minister.
When asked if public gatherings will be permitted in the state on the occasion of Ganesh Utsav, Bommai said the state government has appointed an expert panel to study last year's celebration and Covid status presently. "We have a meeting with the experts' panel on September 5 and will make the final decision on that day," he said.