Tumakuru (Karnataka): In an alleged incident of 'honour killing', a 17-year-old girl was killed by her family members for having an affair with a boy belonging to a different caste in Karnataka's Tumakuru, police said on Friday. The girl's father, brother and uncle have been arrested in this connection.
Tumakuru SP Rahul Kumar Shahapurwad said all three accused, including her father Parashurama, brother Shivaraju, and uncle Tukaram have been arrested and are being interrogated. The accused strangled the girl to death as they were enraged after hearing that she was in love with a boy belonging to a Scheduled Caste, police said. The victim, who was a Scheduled Tribe lived in a hostel and had fallen in love with a boy, police said.
Two weeks back, the girl had gone missing. Her parents traced her and brought her back home on June 9. Since then, the family members were trying to pressurise her to end her relationship with the boy. But, the girl refused to come out of the relationship. Following which, her family forced her to drink poison, police said.