Bengaluru (Karnataka): Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra on Thursday said that Mekedatu rally won't be allowed any further and directions have been issued in this regard to the District Commissioner and police department. "They won't be allowed to move a step forward. If they don't stop the rally, we will do what is required to stop it," he said.
Congress has planned a 10-day rally in the state demanding speedy implementation of the Mekedatu project by the ruling BJP in the state. The Mekedatu rally has entered the fifth day despite curfew orders amid surge in Covid cases in the state. Action will be taken as per legal provisions and in accordance with the law. The guidelines would be followed to prevent Covid infection, he said.
There is a High Court order in this regard and the number of Corona cases in the state have reached 21,000 from 11,000. The numbers are doubling daily. Poor, street vendors, autos cab drivers who depend on everyday earnings for livelihood have panicked, he explained.