Tirthahalli (Shivamogga):Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra on Saturday indicated that those involved in the recent murder of BJP activist in Dakshina Kannada district were locals, and efforts are on to nab them. Police had earlier suspected Kerala links to the murder, and had sent teams to the neighbouring state and were in contact with the police there as part of the investigation, citing that the place where the murder took place was close to the border.
"According to information, those involved in Bellare's Praveen murder are locals from Mangaluru (Dakshina Kannada) district limits," Jnanendra told the media. He said, "their background, as to which organisation they belong- in all these angles police are conducting inquiry and are making all efforts to nab them."
Praveen Nettar (32), a zilla Bharatiya Yuva Morcha committee member, was hacked to death by unidentified motorbike-borne assailants on July 26 night at Bellare in Dakshina Kannada district, which had sparked outrage.
Two persons from Bellare with suspected links with the Popular Front of India (PFI) were arrested by Karnataka police in connection with the murder on July 28. The state government has handed over the probe into the killing to the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
The government is under pressure, as there were widespread protests and a spate of resignations of BJP and its Yuva Morcha members at various places, also open expression of angst by several Hindutva ideologues and organisations, accusing the state government of not standing up to protect the lives of Hindu karyakartas. (PTI)