Bengaluru: After filing FIR against students, the colleges in Karnataka have started threatening them with suspension if they continue to press for hijab. At least 58 female students of Government Pre-University College of Shiralakoppa in the Shivamogga district were verbally threatened of suspension on Saturday after they raised their voice against the college administration for not allowing them attend classes with hijab. The students staged a demonstration demanding that they should be allowed to attend classes.
On Saturday, the college management development committee tried to explain to the hijab-clad students the interim order of the High Court but the students refused to remove hijab, according to the principal. Following it, they were threatened with suspension from the college though no official order was issued, sources said. The enraged students got into arguments with college authorities, leading to an intervention by the police to disperse them.
On Friday, police lodged an FIR against 15 to 20 students of Empress College in Tumakuru district on the institutions' principal lodged a complaint against the pupils. Tension also prevailed in Belagavi, Yadgir, Bellary, Chitradurgam and Shiamogga districts when students wearing hijab demanded entry into the classrooms. While the administration of Vijay Para-Medical College in Belagavi has declared a holiday for an indefinite period due to the protests, students of the SJVP College in Harihara boycotted classes after being denied entry to classrooms for hearing hijab. Hijab-clad students also gathered in the playground of the Ballary Saraladevi College after they were turned out from classes. They refused to speak to the police and in turn asked not to be disturbed. In Kodagu, hijab-clad students staged a protest holding placards before the gate of the college.