Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court on Wednesday cancelled the bail granted to the self-styled godman Nithyananda in 2010 in a rape case.
Justice John Michael DCunha cancelled the bail allowing a petition filed by Kuruppan Lenin, on whose complaint police had registered the case against Nithyananda for various criminal offences, including rape.
The Judge also directed the trial court to order the arrest of the accused and initiate the process of forfeiting the surety and bonds. Lenin, who worked as Nithyanandas driver, sought cancellation of the bail saying accused was skipping trial.
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The court observed that Nithyananda has misled the trial court into believing that he was working towards propagating Hinduism whereas his whereabouts were not known to anyone.
Lenin had made the charges after Nityananda was embroiled in a controversy after purported video footage showing him in a compromising position with a Tamil actress surfaced.
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Nithyananda, whose main ashram is in Bidadi in Karnataka, and two of his disciples was recently booked on charges of kidnapping and keeping children in wrongful confinement at an ashram in Ahmedabad.
The two disciples have been arrested. The controversial godman had fled the country last year and the Interpol has issued a Blue Corner Notice to locate him. (PTI copy)