Bengaluru (Karnataka): On the occasion of World Youth Skills Day observed for the first time by Karnataka, as many as eight Memorandums of Understanding were signed between the government and leading companies with a view to up-skill the youth workforce, on Thursday. The MoUs were signed and exchanged between the government and companies in the presence of Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa and Deputy Chief Minister Dr C N Ashwatha Narayana, who is also the minister for skill development, entrepreneurship, and livelihood, in a function held at Banquet Hall in Vidhan Soudha.
The MoUs include starting courses related to the automotive sector in selected ITIs in the districts of Bengaluru, Ramanagara, and Tumakuru in collaboration with Toyota Motors. Speaking on the occasion, Yediyurappa said the state has a population of 2.21 crore within the age group of 16-35 and many programs have been initiated to improve the economic and social development of the state by skilling the youth to the global standards.
Dr Ashwatha Narayana said that under the program to convert 150 ITI s into technology hubs, modern labs related to Industrial Automation, Robotics, Internet, Additive Manufacturing would be set up and would benefit nearby diploma and engineering students through short term training in addition to the ITI students. The government has planned to achieve 40 such MoUs with various companies and out of this eight have been signed at present. The remaining also will be done shortly, Narayan said.
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