Bengaluru: The Karnataka government has put on hold a controversial proposal to drop certain chapters, including on Islam, Christianity, Tipu Sultan and his father Hyder Ali, from social science textbooks to reduce the 2020-21 syllabi for students of classes 1 to 10.
Citing the COVID-19 pandemic and the disruption caused to the academic calendar of the year, the government had earlier dropped the chapter on Tipu Sultan and Hyder Ali from the Class 7 social science textbook, saying chapters on Tipu Sultan have been retained in Class 6 and 10 textbooks.
The move did not go down well with the opposition, which saw certain ulterior motives behind the decision. Apparently, under sharp criticism, the Department of Public Instruction issued a new notification on Wednesday "on the directions of the Karnataka Primary and Secondary Education Minister S Suresh Kumar".
There is a delay in opening the schools during the academic year 2020-21 due to COVID-19 pandemic, said the latest order. In this context, it said chapters were dropped to fit in 120 days of the academic year for classes 1 to 10 and the same was published in the department's website.