Shivamogga: The Karnataka government on Friday launched the Congress party's fifth 'guarantee' offering unemployment monthly stipend of Rs 3,000 to graduates and Rs 1,500 to diploma holders. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah handed over cheques to six beneficiaries to symbolically kickstart the "Yuva Nidhi" scheme, meant for the graduates and diploma holders who passed in the academic year 2022-23 and remained jobless even after 180 days of completion of their education.
The stipend will be given only for two years and it will end soon after the beneficiary gets a job. Those who have enrolled for higher education and continuing studies are not eligible under the scheme.The state government has earmarked Rs 250 crore for the scheme in the current financial year. It expects that next year, it will cost Rs 1,200 crore to the state exchequer and from 2026 onwards Rs 1,500 crore annually .