Bengaluru: Karnataka government issued an order to start a scholarship scheme, exclusively for farmers' children from this financial year. The impetus for farmer's children was announced by Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai in the first Cabinet meeting after he was sworn in. Rs 1,000 crore is set aside for the scheme.
As per the government order, the yearly scholarship amounts will be directly credited into bank accounts of children who have completed their 10th Standard and are pursuing courses in any registered educational institution or university. Boys pursuing Pre University Course or Industrial Training Institute (ITI) courses will be eligible for Rs 2,500, while girls will get Rs 3,000. While boys pursuing BA, BSc, BCom, MBBS, BE and other professional courses will be eligible for Rs 5,000, while girls will get Rs 5,500. Boys pursuing law, paramedical, nursing and other vocational courses will be eligible for Rs 7,500, while girls will get Rs 8,000. For post-graduation students, the scholarship amount will be Rs 10,000 and Rs 11,000 for boys and girls respectively, the order stated.