Bengaluru: Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara on Monday said a Special Investigation Team (SIT) under the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has been formed to reinvestigate the Bitcoin scam. The Bitcoin scam had surfaced during the previous BJP regime in 2021 and the Congress, which was then in Opposition, had accused the government of trying to cover up the scandal as it involves big names.
The prime suspect, Srikrishna Ramesh alias Sriki, was accused of hacking the state government's e-procurement website and siphoning over Rs 11.5 crore.
There were also charges of cryptocurrency theft, drug peddling and cyber fraud relating to the case. The Home Minister said Additional Director General of Police Manish Kharbikar will head the SIT which, he added, can also take the help of technical experts since the matter relates to cybercrime. Before the Assembly elections in May, the Congress had promised the people of Karnataka that if it comes to power, it would reinvestigate the Bitcoin scam, he told reporters here.
"Accordingly, we have taken a decision to hand it over to a Special Investigation Team. We have constituted the SIT under the Criminal Investigation Department," the Minister said, adding that orders have been issued in this regard. "We hope that the SIT will do the justice. Manish Kharbikar, an ADGP, has been entrusted with the responsibility. He can also take the help of technical people because this is related to cyber. Anything related to technical aspects...they can also take the help of different sources," he explained.