Bengaluru (Karnataka): Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday launched the 'Shakti scheme', which provides free rides for women and girl students of the state in government buses. The CM in the presence of Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar, and Transport Minister Ramalinga Reddy, launched the scheme from the grand steps of 'Vidhana Soudha', the seat of power in the state.
On the occasion, the logo of the 'Shakti scheme' was also unveiled, and 'Shakti' smart cards were symbolically distributed to five women. The scheme is available for women, who are domiciled in Karnataka and they can apply for the 'Shakti' smart card by registering on the 'Seva Sindhu' government portal. Ahead of the recently-held Assembly elections in Karnataka, the Congress had announced that it would implement five guarantees after coming to power.
Also read:Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah announces roll-out of Congress's five 'guarantees' in state
Among the five guarantees, one was free travel in transport buses for all women. According to officials, this free travel service will benefit over 41.8 lakh women passengers every day and would cost the state exchequer an estimated Rs 4,051.56 crore annually. Siddaramaih has directed all district in-charge ministers to launch the scheme in their respective districts and the legislators to launch it in their constituencies.