Bengaluru: In the festival of democracy, the people of Karnataka have enthusiastically thronged the polling booths of their respective constituencies and exercised their franchise. Knowing the importance of voting in a democracy, a young woman, who is working in the United States, took time off from her hectic schedule and visited Bengaluru to cast her valuable vote.
Meghna hailing from Basavanagudi constituency has been working in the United States. She came to Basavanagudi to cast her vote. This was her second visit to her native state for voting. Meghna set an example for others that voting was the prime duty of every citizen. While in another case, a voter from the United States after spending a good sum of money on an air ticket, visited Taralabalu city of Davangere, to exercise his franchise. Despite coming from a faraway place, software engineer Raghavendra Kamalakara Shet was disappointed not to find his name on the voters' list.