Bengaluru (Karnataka): Geeta Shivrajkumar, the wife of famous Kannada actor Dr Shivrajkumar, joined the Congress on Friday in the presence of KPCC president DK Shivakumar at the KPCC office. Geeta's brother Madhu Bangarappa, a Congress candidate from the Soraba constituency, was also present on the occasion. Geeta Shivarajkumar is the daughter of S Bangarappa, the former Chief Minister of Karnataka.
Geetha has been campaigning for Madhu Bangarappa in the Soraba Assembly constituency. In Soraba, her elder brother Kumar Bangarappa is a BJP candidate and current MLA and there is a rivalry going on between the brothers. Geetha Sivarajkumar will campaign in support of Madhu Bangarappa. Madhu Bangarappa quit the JD(S) and joined the Congress a year ago. Geeta Shivarajkumar had previously identified herself with the JD(S). In 2014, she contested in the Lok Sabha polls as the JD(S) candidate against BJP leader and former Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa, but she lost the election.