Gangavati: A 65-year-old woman died and 15 others were admitted to a hospital after drinking contaminated water at Basarihala village in Karnataka's Koppal district on Monday. Officials from the district administration and health department rushed to the spot to take stock of the situation. A makeshift hospital and drinking water facilities were arranged in the village. The deceased has been identified as Honnamma Shivappa, a resident of Basarihala village. The elderly woman was admitted to the Taluk Hospital three days ago. She had symptoms of vomiting and dehydration. The woman died on Monday as she was not responding to treatment.
The villagers assume that rainwater mixing with the drinking water was the reason for contamination. The office-bearers of the Gram Panchayat were also not paying attention to the villagers' complaints regarding impurities in the drinking water. Among the 15 hospitalised, the condition of two was stated to be serious. The duo has been admitted to the district hospital at Koppal.