Bengaluru:Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister CN Ashwath Narayan on Wednesday launched the 'O2 for India' initiative to provide oxygen concentrators to the doorsteps of the COVID-19 patients who are in home isolation.
While launching the initiative started by Ola Foundation and GiveIndia Foundation, AshwathNarayan, who also the head of the state COVID task force, said, "The service is rolled out in Bengaluru with an initial set of 500 oxygen concentrators. Ola and GiveIndia will scale it up across the country with up to 10,000 concentrators in the coming weeks."
Read:|France to provide oxygen generators, liquid O2, ventilators to India
"The concentrators will be provided to the patients whose oxygen saturation is below 94. This is not required and will not be given for those whose oxygen level is above 94," the deputy chief minister told reporters.
"On recovery, Oxygen Concentrators need to be returned using Ola App which will be utilised for the treatment of other patients. This initiative is launched in Malleshwaram and Koramangala area today and will be available across the city and the state soon," he added.
Those who require oxygen need to log into the Ola app and request an oxygen concentrator by providing a few basic details. Once submitted the request will be validated and the concentrators will be provided to the patients requested for it on their doorsteps within 30 minutes of the request made.
The delivery will be made by specially trained Ola drivers. The home isolated beneficiary shall have to pay a refundable amount of Rs 5000 per concentrator.