Bengaluru (Karnataka) : The number of dog bite cases has increased this year compared to last year in the Karnataka state. In the report of the health department, 2.15 lakh people have been bitten by dogs from January 1, 2023 to the end of November.
At least 10 percent of these victims are bitten by domestic dogs, while the remaining 90 percent are bitten by stray dogs. On the other hand, the state reported about 1.59 lakh dog bite cases in 2021 and about 1.62 lakh in 2022.
On an average, dog bite cases are registered at the rate of 5,080 per week and 700 per day in the state. More than 15,000 cases have been reported under Bangalore Metropolitan Corporation, over 11,500 in Dakshina Kannada district, 11,000 in Udupi, 10,000 in Chitradurga and 6,000 in Dharwad.
Rabies caused by dog bites has been declared a notifiable disease. The State Health Department has recently issued a circular to the government hospitals to ensure availability of adequate stock of anti-rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulins, which can save lives from deadly rabies.