Belagavi: The Karnataka Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) received calls threatening to blow up two prisons and his residential quarters on Sunday. The caller claimed to be close to gangster Bannanje Raje.
DIG Prisons (North Zone) TP Sesha has registered a case at Belagavi Rural Police Station today. In his complaint, Sesha stated that he got a call from an anonymous person who threatened to plant bombs at Belagavi Hindalaga Central Jail, Bangalore Jail and the residential quarters.
According to the police, the calls were made from three numbers on October 8. In the first call, the man claimed that he had connections with senior officials of the Belagavi Hindalaga Central Jail and threatened to create a ruckus inside the jail wherein the prison officials would be attacked. In the next two calls, the man threatened that he would get the Bangalore Jail and the DIG's residential quarters exploded.