Bengaluru:Digital learning has become inevitable because of the pandemic, Deputy Chief Minister C. N. Ashwath Narayana on Saturday announced that his trust would distribute as many as 1,000 tabs to poor students studying in government schools to bridge the digital divide existing between private schools and government schools.
According to a statement released by the Deputy CM's office here, Narayana stated that he gathered information on poor students from 21 public schools, including seven high schools in the Malleswaram constituency there are about 1,000 poor students in his constituency who required such intervention.
"With the help of - Dr C. N. Ashwath Narayan Trust, the R. V. Education Training Institute and Education Foundation - it was decided to provide 1,000 high-quality tabs for children to all these students," the statement read.
The Deputy CM added that 21 tabs were distributed on a pilot basis to as many students, with the required content.
"Remaining tabs will be distributed once we complete the content loading process to the remaining tabs," he explained.
According to Narayan, the content loading work is expected to be completed next month and then it would be distributed to the children.