Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa has revealed that a detailed discussion was held with an expert medical committee. In the meeting, Karnataka CM BS Yediyurappa, Home Minister Basavraj Bommai, Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar and Chief Secretary P Ravikumar were present. The Committee has made some important recommendations regarding the safety measures for children, availability of medical oxygen and post-Covid health issues.
A medical committee headed by Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty submitted the report to Chief Minister BS Yediyurappaa at his official residence. The CM also held a meeting with senior ministers and discussed the implementation of the medical experts' suggestions. While interacting with the media, CM Yediyurappaa said, ''They had submitted the interim report. As per the report, the third wave of Covid-19 is more susceptible to children. So we have had a meeting with senior ministers about this report."
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The report suggested that action should be taken to establish Intensive Care Units(ICU) and adequate oxygen supply in the district and taluks. The report suggested that the state can begin classes at medical, engineering colleges after vaccination. The CM also confirmed that the medical experts have advised to start schools and colleges gradually in the state.