Bengaluru:Karnataka Chief Minister, BS Yediyurappa on Wednesday unveiled the Electric Bike Taxi Scheme-2021 in Bengaluru. In his address, the CM said that the scheme will serve as a bridge between public transport and daily travellers. "It will also boost the creation of self-employment, eco-friendly environment, fuel conservation, strengthening the public transport and encouragement to establish related industries. The main objective of this scheme is to reduce the travel time and inconvenience faced by the public’s travelling from their home to bus stand, railway and metro station in the cities, importantly Bengaluru," added the CM.
Welcoming this scheme, Vivekananda Hallekere, CEO & Co-Founder of Bounce, told to ETV Bharat that this will definitely create employment in the state as people can take these electric vehicles on rent and start earning.
However, the Chief Minister also said that the government has taken several measures to mitigate and keep on encouraging alternate fuel for the vehicles so as to keep the environment clean for future generations. In this process, the alternate fuel CNG has been successful in the state. Therefore, in continuation of this the central and state governments are encouraging Battery Operated vehicles.
This scheme will provide an opportunity for an individual, partnership firms and companies to participate. The vehicles registered under this scheme will be in the transport category for which the Government has given several exemptions like permits, tax and also giving financial benefits for the Electric vehicles manufacturers, he explained. He also appealed to the vehicle manufacturers, Industrialists especially women entrepreneurs and the public to take advantage by investing in the Karnataka Electric Bike taxi Scheme.
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