Bengaluru: The Karnataka government has decided to conduct a CID inquiry into the alleged "graft charges letter" written by agriculture officials of the Mandya district against Agriculture Minister Chaluvarayaswamy. After discussing the matter with the Home Minister, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah suggested handing over the case to the CID. A letter has been in circulation on social media wherein agriculture officers have filed a complaint against Agriculture Minister Chaluvarayaswamy to the Governor. The issue has snowballed into a controversy with accusations and counter-accusations coming from the opposition and the ruling party.
Regarding the "controversial" letter, Agriculture Minister Chaluvarayaswamy had an interaction with Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar and urged them to carry out an investigation.
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In the petition, the minister said, "After the Congress government came to power with a majority in the Karnataka assembly elections held two months ago, some political opponents and miscreants are desperate and trying to hatch a conspiracy. That's why they are making false allegations. It is a systematic conspiracy to defame the government and me also."
Frustrated with the implementation of the Congress party's populist schemes, some unemployed politicians are abetting miscreants, who are harmful to society, as well as using the department officials to create "fictitious stories" far from the truth. Hence, by submitting fake letters to the Governor and other constitutional bodies, they are showing provocative behaviour. So, it is necessary to take strict action against such elements. Otherwise, it will be difficult for people's representatives and officials to discharge their duties fearlessly, the minister added.