Bengaluru (Karnataka): The murky Ramesh Jarkiholi CD scandal has taken another unexpected twist. After SIT questioned the lady in the CD and former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi, they now want to question another former minister. Sources have said that SIT has given notice to former minister and Congress party member D Sudhakar asking him to cooperate in the case.
Former minister D.Sudhakar said, "I have not transferred any money to CD Lady. This is far from the truth. I have no connection with the CD lady. If the SIT investigators call me, I will answer, D.Sudhakar said. It was rumoured that there was a former minister in the CD case. If I had fear, I would take an injunction order. I was surprised to hear that my name was coined in the CD case. Former CM Siddaramaiah, Ramesh Jarkiholi, KPCC President DK Shivakumar are all close to me, he said.
Woman's Parents Appeal to SIT:
The family of a young woman in the CD has lived in Nidagundi in the Vijayapura district for the past four days. Parents await the chance to visit their daughter tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Parents have already requested SIT to allow them to meet their daughter.
SIT notice to D. Sudhakar:
SIT has decided to interrogate Ex-minister D.Sudhakar in connection with the CD case. SIT has issued a notice to D.Sudhakar to attend the probe in Audubodi technical centre tomorrow.
READ: BJP leaders hesitate to support Jarakiholi
Ramesh Jarkiholi skips SIT probe: Former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi was summoned by the SIT to attend the probe for the second time on Friday (3rd April). Citing his health issues, he skipped it. His advocate met SIT officials and gave them a letter. "His client is unwell and he will appear for inquiry in one or two days" stated in letter. SIT officials agreed and said they will issue another notice.
SIT conducts spot mahazar at PG room, flat: SIT officials on Thursday (1st April) conducted a spot mahazar at a PG accommodation in RT Nagar, where the woman in the CD was living for two and half years. The team took the woman for the spot mahazar, where she gave all digital evidence, including her mobile phone, to the SIT.