Bengaluru: Day after the Speaker of the Karnataka assembly suspended 1-0 BJP MLAs for “indiscpline”, the party leaders on Thursday boycotted the session and staged a protest against the suspension. The BJP leaders led by former Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, Araga Gyanendra, Munirathna, Suresh Kumar, Bairati Basavaraj, Sunil Kumar, Gopalaya and many others gathered in front of the Gandhi statue of Vidhan Sabha to lodge a protest against the suspension of the 10 MLAs on Wednesday.
After the protest, the BJP MLAs have decided to walk to the Raj Bhavan and file a complaint. The 10 BJP MLAs were suspended by Karnataka Legislative Assembly Speaker U T Khader after the legislators tore copies of the Bills passed in the assembly and threw them at Deputy Speaker Rudrappa Lamani. Soon after the MLAs were suspended, former Karnataka CM and BJP leader Basavaraj Bommai termed the move as the “black day for democracy”.
Also read:Karnataka: Speaker UT Khader orders suspension of 10 BJP MLAs for 'disrespectful conduct'