Bengaluru: Kannada's popular reality show Bigg Boss season 10 contestant Varthur Santhosh has been arrested from the Bigg Boss house on charges of wearing tiger claw. Sources said that Santhosh was arrested late at night on Sunday by the forest officials on the charge of wearing tiger claw dollar, which is prohibited under law.
Santosh is currently in the custody of the forest officials. He is likely to be produced before a local court today. It is learnt that the Bigg Boss contestant was arrested under Wildlife Protection Act after he was spotted wearing the tiger claw locket on the reality TV show. A complaint had been received against Santosh, who was wearing a tiger claw dollar around his neck, for violating the Wildlife Protection Act.
Also read:Karnataka Congress MLA Pradeep Eshwar enters Bigg Boss Kannada season 10 as contestant