Tumakuru (Karnataka):An 80-year-old woman, who was allegedly thrown out of her own house by her grandson, restored the possession of her house after an official intervened in the matter. The Sub-Divisional Officer handed over the property to the old woman on January 31.
As informed by the sources, the old woman identified as Kavalamma, is a resident of Koratagere town. "The woman was allegedly thrown out of her house by her grandson Maruti eight months ago, after his mother Lakshmamma died of cancer. Maruti used to work in Bengaluru, but lost his job during Covid. He came back to Koratagere and started living here with his mother and grandmother," sources said.
The culprit had started living off the pension that his grandmother received after he lost the job. "Maruti slowly became a burden on his family. After the death of his mother, he started harassing his grandmother and ultimately he threw her out of the house. For the past eight months, Kavalamma was living in a relative’s house who registered a complaint under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act."