Bengaluru: The Lokayukta, which arrested Prashanth Maadal, son of BJP MLA Maadal Virupakshappa while allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 40 lakh, has recovered around Rs 6 crore cash from his premises, officials said on Friday. The officials stated that a cash amount of approximately Rs 6 crore was recovered from his Bengaluru residence and office the following day.
The recovered cash included over Rs 1.7 crore from his office, and searches at other premises are ongoing, according to officials. Prashanth Maadal is the chief accountant at Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB), and he was arrested inside the premises of Karnataka Soaps and Detergents Limited (KSDL), where his father, Virupakshappa, is the chairman. KSDL is responsible for manufacturing Mysore Sandal Soap.
The accused is a 2008 batch Karnataka Administrative Services (KAS) officer, who is alleged to have demanded Rs 81 lakh from a contractor for the supply of raw materials. Later, it was settled at Rs 40 lakh. It is suspected that the money was received in exchange for the procurement of raw materials for soap production and other products by the contractor.