Bengaluru: Researchers led by Raghavan Varadarajan, Professor at the Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), are working towards developing effective vaccine strategies against two viruses: SARS-CoV-2 and HIV.
In two studies published in the past week, they report the design of a “heat-tolerant” COVID-19 vaccine candidate, and a rapid method to identify specific regions on the HIV envelope protein that are targeted by antibodies, which can help design effective vaccines. The studies were published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences respectively.
The COVID-19 vaccine candidate contains a part of the spike protein of the novel coronavirus called the receptor-binding domain (RBD) ‒ the region that helps the virus stick to the host’s cell. It is being developed by Varadarajan’s lab in collaboration with Mynvax, a startup co-founded by him and incubated at IISc, as well as several other institutes. When tested in guinea pig models, the vaccine candidate triggered a strong immune response.
Surprisingly, it also remained stable for a month at 37°C, and freeze-dried versions could tolerate temperatures as high as 100°C. Such “warm” vaccines can be stored and transported without expensive cooling equipment to remote areas for mass vaccination ‒ most vaccines need to be stored between 2-8°C or even cooler temperatures to avoid losing their potency. Compared to newer types such as mRNA vaccines, making a protein-based vaccine like this can also be scaled up easily in India where manufacturers have been making similar vaccines for decades.
There is another difference between the vaccine candidate being developed by Varadarajan’s team and many other COVID-19 vaccines in the works: it only uses a specific part of the RBD, a string of 200 amino acids, instead of the entire spike protein. The team inserted genes coding for this part via a carrier DNA molecule called a plasmid, into mammalian cells, which then churned out copies of the RBD section. They found that the RBD formulation was just as good as the full spike protein in triggering an immune response in guinea pigs, but much more stable at high temperatures for extended periods ‒ the full spike protein quickly lost its activity at temperatures above 50°C.